Should TV Advertisement be Banned? 应不应该限制电视广告

Should TV Advertisement be Banned? 应不应该限制电视广告

作者: w2h.cc/Zjg0Z 发布时间:2020-02-18

With the development of a market-oriented economy, advertisement becomes a dominant feature in the television industry. Some people think it bring lots of advantages and convenience for human beings, while some people consider the disadvantages it brings are more than advantages and it should be restricted. What do you think of it? For me, i think it should be banned. There are several reasons to support my view.
Firstly, today’s TV advertisement has too much illusive descriptions. As most of the present advertisements are commercial, their purpose is to convince the public to buy their products and then get money from it. In the most cases, they will use exaggerated ways to convince people. Sometimes they will even show some false information to people. For example, the losing weight advertisement. If people can lose so much weight by having their medicine, the world will be no fat. 
Secondly, too much commercial advertisement will have negative effect on children. Television has become one of the necessary amusement tools in every family and nearly every family has one. Of course, it also becomes the amusement tool for children. If they have received so much information about the materials, their life value may be affected. What’s worse, it will affect their life purpose.
To sum up, too much TV advertisement brings more disadvantages than advantages. To the health of human beings and the next generation, i think TV advertisement should be restricted.

Should TV Advertisement be Banned? 应不应该限制电视广告






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