Kurt Cobain的香烟燃烧毛衣售价为334,000美元

Kurt Cobain的香烟燃烧毛衣售价为334,000美元

作者: 微头条 发布时间:2019-12-02


在grunge的神秘狂想曲夺走了自己的生命的四分之一世纪之后,Kurt Cobain在Nirvana的1993年Unplugged表演中穿着的标志性香烟单件开衫已售334,000美元。


卖家,Forty7 Motorsports的所有者Garrett Kletjian,四年前以137,500美元的价格买下了它。

朱利安拍卖行(Julien's Auctions)首席执行官兼总裁达伦·朱利安(Darren Julien)说:“这件开衫,是他穿过的任何衣服的圣杯。” 


音乐有线电视频道MTV 于1989年开播Unplugged系列节目,录制了现场表演,这些表演通常以稀疏的声学效果播放通常带电的音乐。

Cobain的困扰不插电与涅槃性能- 27岁的他自杀前不到半年的记录-被认为是该系列最具标志性的演出之一,被追授释放。

据报道,在观众似乎不喜欢这个节目之后,沉闷而单调的,​​深蓝色的眼神却深深地陷入了一种情绪化的,充满毒品的下行漩涡中,据称对未插电的程序员Amy Finnerty 表示哀叹


Cobain的左手Fender Mustang吉他在乐队的In Utero巡演中使用,售价为340,000美元。

A quarter century after grunge's enigmatic rhapsodist took his own life, Kurt Cobain's iconic cigarette-singed cardigan worn during Nirvana's 1993 Unplugged performance has sold for $334,000.

The tattered, olive-green, Manhattan-brand, button-up sweater, which has never been washed since Cobain wore it, came with dark stains and a burn hole.

The seller, Garrett Kletjian, owner of Forty7 Motorsports, bought it four years ago for $137,500.

"This cardigan, it's the holy grail of any article of clothing that he ever wore," said Darren Julien, CEO and president of Julien's Auctions.

"Kurt created the grunge look; he didn't wear show clothes," Julien told AFP at a New York exhibition preview.

The auction house had predicted it would fetch $200,000-300,000.

The music cable channel MTV began its Unplugged series in 1989, recording live performances of acts that generally played their normally electrified music on sparse acoustics.

Cobain's haunting Unplugged performance with Nirvana - recorded less than six months before his suicide at age 27 - is considered one of the most iconic shows of the series, and was released posthumously.

Already deep into an emotional, drug-addled downward spiral, the depressive but singular talent with ocean-blue eyes reportedly lamented to Unplugged programmer Amy Finnerty after the set that the audience seemed not to like the show.

"Kurt," she told the singer, "they think you are Jesus Christ."

Cobain's left-handed Fender Mustang guitar, which he used during the band's In Utero tour, sold for $340,000.

Kurt Cobain的香烟燃烧毛衣售价为334,000美元






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