

作者: 梅姐 发布时间:2019-12-02


美国女演员罗斯·麦克高恩(Rose McGowan)周三对哈维·温斯坦(Harvey Weinstein),他的前律师和一家私人情报机构提起诉讼,称当她指控这名不幸的电影大亨强奸时,他们密谋抹黑她。




她的诉讼针对的是Weinstein,律师David Boies和Lisa Bloom以及私人情报公司Black Cube。索赔包括敲诈,侵犯隐私和欺诈行为。


诉讼称,“温斯坦针对麦克高恩和其他人的战役涉及一些金钱可以买到的最强大的力量。” “他招募了知名的,精通媒体的代表大卫·博伊斯和丽莎·布鲁姆。他雇用了国际间谍机构黑立方。”


布卢姆的律师埃里克·乔治(Eric George)在周三向法新社发表的一份声明中说:“麦克高恩女士选择将我的客户包括在诉讼中是不可原谅的。” 

他补充说:“事实很重要。” “对于她对我的客户的索赔,根本没有可靠的事实或法律依据。我们期待我们在法庭上为案件做个记录。” 






US actress Rose McGowan filed a lawsuit on Wednesday against Harvey Weinstein, his ex-attorneys and a private intelligence agency, alleging they conspired to discredit her when she accused the disgraced movie mogul of rape.

"This case is about a diabolical and illegal effort by one of America's most powerful men and his representatives to silence sexual assault victims," the suit filed in Los Angeles federal court states.

"And it is about the courageous women and journalists who persisted to reveal the truth."

McGowan was one of the first women to make public allegations about Weinstein's abuse, triggering his downfall in 2017 and the emergence of the #MeToo movement that brought down many other public figures.

Her lawsuit targets Weinstein, lawyers David Boies and Lisa Bloom and the private intelligence firm Black Cube. The claims include racketeering, invasion of privacy and fraud.

McGowan alleges that when Weinstein learned in 2016 that she planned to write about the alleged rape said to have taken place in 1997, he unleashed a team of fixers to ensure her story "never saw the light of day, and - if it did - that no one would believe her."

"Weinstein's campaign against McGowan and others involved some of the most powerful forces that money could buy," according to the suit. "He enlisted prominent, media-savvy representatives David Boies and Lisa Bloom. He hired the international spy agency, Black Cube."

The suit says Weinstein and his team worked in concert for more than a year to try to silence his victims and journalists reporting on the abuses.

Bloom's attorney Eric George said in a statement to AFP on Wednesday that "it is inexcusable that Ms. McGowan chose to include my client in her lawsuit."

"Facts matter," he added. "There is simply no credible factual or legal basis for her claims against my client. We look forward to our day in court to set the record straight."

Attorneys for Weinstein and the other defendants in the suit could not immediately be reached for comment.

McGowan says in her lawsuit that at the time of the alleged rape, she was a budding star with lead roles in two Weinstein-produced films and that she finally ended up agreeing to a settlement as she sought to move on with her career.

Years later, however, she says began working on a memoir - published in 2018 - that included details about the alleged abuse and how Weinstein's conduct toward her and others "poisoned the film and television industry."

Apart from McGowan, Weinstein has been accused of sexually assaulting dozens of other women during his decades in the entertainment industry.

In 2018, he was arrested in New York on charges of rape and sexual abuse and is awaiting trial.







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