

作者: yueshang888.cn 发布时间:2020-01-15

I never planned on seeing 40 


I was sitting in my car on Monday, waiting outside of the building where my next meeting was scheduled to soon begin, scrolling through my Twitter feed, reading tweets about articles and laughing. My laughter stopped when I saw that NFL wide receiver Charles Rogers had died. The former Detroit Lion — the second overall pick in the 2003 draft — was only 38. Now that I'm well into my thirties, 38 seems so young. But if I'm honest, for much of my life, 38 seemed impossibly out of reach. At one time, my friends and I never planned on seeing 40. 

周一,将车停在一栋大楼外面后,我坐在车里,浏览着推特上的推文大笑,等着即将到来的会议。当我看到全美橄榄球联盟的明星接球手查尔斯·罗杰斯(Charles Rogers)去世的新闻时,我再也笑不出来了。先前,他以第二顺位被底特律雄狮队选中,却仅享年38岁。现在,我已经30多岁了,38岁似乎还正是年轻的时候。但说实话,我总觉得38岁遥不可及。曾几何时,我和我的朋友都认为我们见不到40岁的太阳。 

I remembered watching Rogers play for Michigan State back when I was really into football. Not because I loved the game. I loved to gamble, and the gambler in me knew the dude was an amazing talent: super fast with good hands. And like many black athletes with pro potential, he came from a rough neighborhood: Saginaw, Michigan, a place where sports is treated like a way out. Rodgers played two years in the NFL before injuries and drug use — he became addicted to painkillers — ended his career. Reports tied his death to cancer; his mother told the New York Times that the official cause of death was liver failure. 


On my social media feeds, I see ghosts: scores of guys I once knew, who didn't see 25, who linger on through old accounts and memorial posts. Sometimes I spot myself in those old photos, the one face still alive in a group of people who aren't. I think about those days and how longevity wasn't a concept we grasped; never mind thinking about routine checkups or retirement planning, or imagining ourselves going grey with wrinkled faces and round bellies. 


Now it seems like I'm one of the few guys from that era and scene left. Now I have to consider my health, my wellness, what my tomorrows will hold. My childhood friends are gone, but I have family and team members who rely on me now. I'm married, and we're expecting a child. That means I have to work through the fear, and try to push forward. 


He never saw 40. I hope I make it. 








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