It is Not Effective to Charge for Plastic Bags 塑料袋收费并不是有效的环保

It is Not Effective to Charge for Plastic Bags 塑料袋收费并不是有效的环保

作者: w2h.cc/Zjg0Z 发布时间:2020-02-18

At present most supermarkets is pursuingthe policy of charging for plastic bags instead of giving them free. This policy is carried out for controlling pollution since thepollution resulting from plastic bags has become a big threat to urbanenvironment. Though daily use of free bags in the markets is tremendous innumber, I don't think consumers' paying for plastic bags can take effect incontrolling pollution.


Tobegin with, it is unfair that only consumers should shoulder the responsibilityof environmental pollution caused by plastic bags, providing free plastic bagsto consumers is a marketing strategy adopted by supermarkets. Althoughsupermarkets have to pay for the plastic bags, consumers bring them far greatereconomic rewards in comparison to this minimal cost. From this point of view,it is the supermarkets that have gained the hidden profits through free bagswhile consumers only get shopping convenience they should have.


In addition, it is over-optimistic and bitsimple-minded to contend that charging for plastic bags can help reduce pollutioNPRoblem. My observation tells me that in most supermarketsplastic bags are offered by salespeople according to customers' actual needs. Since the need for shopping bags does exist, charging for those bags is not soeffective. Besides not only the supermarkets provide free plastic bags, mostthe food markets and shops do. Therefore it is unrealistic to expect thispolicy to help reduce the pollution problem caused by plastic bags.


In short, it is not a wise policy to chargeshopping bags. To protect the environment, people should take varied ofeffective measures.


It is Not Effective to Charge for Plastic Bags 塑料袋收费并不是有效的环保






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