Letterwriting exists in many sides, such as messages in the newspaper, the Internet,magazines and books. Letter writing is commonly seen, and we also need to writethings down, so it’s impossible that oral communication can completely take theplace of letter writing.
Nowadays,phone is widely used; people tend to convey their messages to others by makingphone calls, they think that’s an easy way. You needn't use a pen and a pieceof paper, just need to listen and speak. Thanks to today’s high-technology,cellphone can record people’s voice and send voice messages. And it has a newfunction that it is unnecessary for them to type.
However,some people think letter typing will still remain. These supporters deem it isa better way to store information. A good example is that we make a dictionarywith letter writing or typing but not voice. There is another example forexplain why typing still exists. Everyone likes to get news. We want to knowwhat happen in our country or the world, and so we read newspaper, or listen tothe news reports. If you choose the way of listening, you have to hearsomething what you don’t want. But instead of listening, you read newspaper,you can pick up the part of newspaper that interests you and read the news indetail. Read newspaper you needn't waste a lot of time to listen to plenty ofthings about boring news, and have to wait for a long time to the nextinteresting news.
Inconclusion, both letter writing and oral communication have advantages, so theycan coexist.
Oral Communication Will Not Take Over Letter Typing 口头交流不会取代
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