如何提高自学能力How To Improve The Ability of Self-learning

如何提高自学能力How To Improve The Ability of Self-learning

作者: w2h.cc/Zjg0Z 发布时间:2020-02-22

When we study, we all want to work with high efficient, the ability of self-learning is very important, with it, we can improve the efficient, the things we do will work better, we can save time to do another thing. There are many ways to improve the ability of self-learning.


First, we should set up the goal. The goal we make is better not to be far away, we can set up a small goal one by one. When we make the big goal, it is hard to achieve, sometimes we will frustrate by not seeing the improvement, then we will give up easily. But setting up the small is easy to achieve, so we can see our improvement and have the faith to keep on.


Second, after setting up the goal, the next thing is to take action. We should do as the goal, finishing it in certain days. Like we have to tell us we must finish the first step in a week, so we have the pressure to finish quickly and won’t wait for tomorrow. If we can’t finish in time, we can have more few days.


The ways to improve the ability of self-learning are various, but the most important thing is to set up the goal, with the goal, we can have the motivation to finish things.


如何提高自学能力How To Improve The Ability of Self-learning






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