应要求学生住宿 Students should be required to live in school dormit

应要求学生住宿 Students should be required to live in school dormit

作者: w2h.cc/Zjg0Z 发布时间:2020-02-25

Forsome time now, some students have been arguing that they are old enough not tolive in the school dormitory. Given student’s safety, I do believe that theyshould be required to live in school dorms.


Firstof all, living in school dormitory provides students with guaranteed safety toa great extent while living outside school has foreshadowed some risks. Oncesomething unpredictable happens students would be put into jeopardy and suffersfrom a hard-to-protect loss. By contrast, in case of dormers,constant help from roommates and teachers on duty would pull them out ofpossible danger in time. Safety is the basic need of humans without which allother human functions will be in question.


Second,living in school dormitory would make it easy to enjoy the clubs, parties andother social occasions that are essential for the so-called bonds amongstudents. Students could make more friends besides their classmates, never toobad to have lots friends.


Finally,students want to living outside for the most reason is to have freedom, andmostly, they want to live with their boyfriends or girlfriends. I consider itis a bad idea. Students who are living outside for this reason will probablylead to an abandoned academic problem, because they are easily to skip classfor hanging out together.


Tosum up, students should be required to live in school dormitory, not only fortheir own safety, but also for their studies.


应要求学生住宿 Students should be required to live in school dormit






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