学校应开展性教育 Sex Education Should Be Taught in School

学校应开展性教育 Sex Education Should Be Taught in School

作者: w2h.cc/Zjg0Z 发布时间:2020-02-26

Sex education should be taught in schools, for too many students do not know clearly about it. When children get physically mature, they may want to have sex, while they may not know how to protect themselves as well. Especially for girls, they may get more hurt than boys.

Teens need to be given guidelines to help them protect themselves. The US has more than a million teenagers being pregnant each year. Teenagers have the highest rate of sexual transmitted diseases. Of any age group, one in four young people contract an STD by the age of 21, and the number of HIV infection increases rapidly among young people. In addition, if teenagers have an unprotected sex, they may have a chance to have a baby, and base on their young age, less experience, and no income, the young father and mother have no choice but to abort the child. Those innocent babies who deserve to born to the world and live under the sun are killed by their ignorant parents.

So, sex education must be taught in school. Besides, Chinese parents are always shamed of telling their children about sex. From the discussion above and think more deeply, I think the question is not whether sex education should be taught in school or not, but how it should be taught, protecting teenagers from getting hurt. 

学校应开展性教育 Sex Education Should Be Taught in School






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